Put the superwoman cape away, it’s not needed here. Way too many times, single moms are deemed strong independent women, who can do anything. The reality, we are just women who are struggling to do our best. SPM is a place where no masks need to be worn or charades played. May the articles, podcasts, and  blog posts let you know you are not alone. Sis, however you’ve managed to raise your kids, pursue your career, and support your household – you are an amazing mother.

Single Professional Mother

For the single mother who feels lost and hopeless, this book is for you. Following her debut book, Going Through It, Mia starts as a fearful, unemployed train wreck, living in her parents’ basement, to becoming an author, TEDx Talk speaker, and Executive Assistant, all while raising two daughters. Mia is vulnerable with some of her weakest moments in love, self-care, and co-parenting. She realizes every trial and loss was transforming her into a Single Professional Mother.

Going Through It

For the single mother who feels lost and hopeless, this book is for you. Following her debut book, Going Through It, Mia starts as a fearful, unemployed train wreck, living in her parents’ basement, to becoming an author, TEDx Talk speaker, and Executive Assistant, all while raising two daughters. Mia is vulnerable with some of her weakest moments in love, self-care, and co-parenting. She realizes every trial and loss was transforming her into a Single Professional Mother.